Brandsport has an established quality reputation since 1981 !
Brandsport organises sporty and challenging outdoor activities, where relaxation and conviviality come first. The emphasis is on personality, quality and small scale; small groups, good supervision, excellent materials and sophisticated activity locations.
We work from our cosy, Ardennes inn La Laiterie in Mierchamps, near La Roche-en-Ardenne. A beautiful setting in the heart of the Ardennes; hills, forests and deep valleys with fast-flowing streams and rivers.
Our team consists of enthusiastic, knowledgeable and experienced ‘permanent’ staff and a group of freelancers. Together, we will give you a great time at Brandsport!
Brandsport is looking for enthusiastic and motivated outdoor sports instructors and trainees to join our team full-time/part-time; from MBO and HBO courses such as ALO, CIOS, ROC, SCW, SRAW and CMV with recreation.
We have many possibilities for interns on an ongoing basis. Contact us if you are interested in joining Brandsport as an intern.
– enthusiastic
– spontaneous
– sporty
– flexible
– independent
– you have knowledge of outdoor sports equipment & safety procedures
– extensive work experience in outdoor sports is an advantage
– you are in possession of one of the above qualifications or similar
– you are technical and in addition to supervision you also want to help realise new activities
– you strive to please people
– You are a team player and can animate
– You have no 9-17 mentality
– You have a great sense of responsibility
– In possession of driving licence B (or BE) and possibly D
– You have your own transport
– you do not live far from the Ardennes or are willing to come here
– you have a command of Dutch, English and a minimum of French
Brandsport offers you:
• a good and pleasant place to work
• very varied work in changing seasons
• a salary according to collective labour agreement, based on experience, education and age
• reimbursement of your travel expenses
Have you become enthusiastic after reading this vacancy? Send us your letter with CV by e-mail to
Would you like more information? Call the office (0032)(0) 844 110 84
Lenie is general manager, partner-owner of Brandsport and is mainly concerned with the organisational side of the company, the programmes, PR, personnel matters, bookkeeping and the representation of the interests of the ‘outdoor’ industry towards governments through the trade federations BFNO, VeBON, FLKB, WANT… in short, everything necessary to manage the company.
In 1986, Lenie settled with Frank in the Ardennes in inn La Laiterie where you can stay.
Background: after graduating from the Academy for Movement Education CALO in 1978, 10 active years followed as a secondary school teacher in Arnhem and the Achterhoek region. While working in the Ardennes, the interest in people, their passions and motivations, and the contact with horses invited further development as a coach and horse coach, for which the necessary training courses were followed.
Lenie also enjoys guiding forest rides with horses and is specialised in coaching with horses and developing teambuilding workshops for companies using the horse as a mirror.
Contact Lenie
As a partner co-owner, Frank is the technical director of Brandsport and deals mainly with all technical matters within the company: activity locations, materials, vehicles, building maintenance etc….
Frank founded Brandsport in 1981. Initially building polyester kayaks, Frank set up in 1986 with Lenie in the Ardennes at hostel La Laiterie, where you can stay.
From an early age, Frank sailed slalom races in his kayak. Several times he was Dutch and, in 1978, Benelux champion. During this period, he undertook his first whitewater expeditions to places such as Nepal and Morocco. This was later followed by Spain, Chile, New Zealand, Costa Rica, Zimbabwe and Uganda.
Frank is not only Brandsport’s wild water kayak specialist, but is also involved in developing activities, keeping our activity locations, materials and technical installations up-to-date.
Contact FrankOn behalf of all sporty Vanoverbeeckskeskes, I would like to thank you once again for the super-service and friendly welcome. Thanks for changing a few boats without grumbling, exchanging broken bikes during the afternoon, and providing a dry picnic area. There are many who could take an example from you.
Brandsport was very flexible didn’t matter if we took 1 or 6 hours. And was also very well organised.
C’était une magnifique sortie. Surtout la selle et le soin des chevaux en font un programme de remplissage l’après-midi. Brandsport était très flexible, peu importait que cela nous prenne 1 ou 6 heures. Et c’était aussi bien organisé.
Lovely outdoor ride. Especially saddling and grooming the horses ourselves made it an afternoon filling programme. Brandsport was very flexible did not care whether we took 1 or 6 hours. And was also very well organised.
Last week, I went on a forest ride with my daughter with Lenie and her Icelanders. What a super horse ride, definitely worth repeating. By the way, my daughter really enjoyed being allowed to groom the horses too.
Fun outdoor activities. Good instructors who explain clearly. I felt safe up there in the forest. Had very fun experience! Was the climbing forest so.
the Ardennes are more fun than I thought. the weather was a bit chilly but that didn’t matter because there was more than enough to do. Rock climbing was a favourite with the boys, very exciting.
Au nom de tous les sportifs “Vanoverbeeckskes”, je tiens à vous remercier encore une fois pour le super service et le chaleureux accueil. Merci d’avoir échangé quelques bateaux de plus sans discussion, d’avoir échangé des vélos cassés pendant l’après-midi et d’avoir fourni une aire de pique-nique sèche. Il y en a beaucoup qui devraient prendre exemple sur vous.
Brandsport était très flexible, peu importe si cela nous prenait 1 ou 6 heures. Et c’était aussi bien organisé.
La semaine dernière, ma fille et moi avons fait une balade en forêt avec Lenie et ses chevaux Islandais. Quelle super balade à cheval, expérience qui vaut vraiment la peine d’être réitérée. Ma fille a beaucoup apprécier de pouvoir également s’occuper des chevaux.
Belles activités de plein air. De bons moniteurs qui expliquent clairement. Je me sentais en sécurité là-haut dans les bois. J’ai eu une très belle expérience! Alors lave la forêt grimpante.
Les Ardennes sont plus amusantes que je ne le pensais. Le temps était un peu frais mais ça n’avait pas d’importance car il y avait plus qu’assez à faire. L’escalade était l’activité préférée des garçons, c’était très excitant.
de Ardennen zijn leuker dan ik dacht. het weer was wat fris maar dat gaf niet want er was meer dan genoeg te doen. Het rots klimmen was favoriet bij de boys, hartstikke spannend.
Leuke outdoor activiteiten. Goede instructeurs die duidelijk uitleg geven. Ik voelde me veilig daar boven in het bos. Zeer leuke ervaring gehad! Was het klimbos dus.
Vorige week heb ik met mijn dochter samen een bosrit gemaakt bij Lenie en haar IJslanders. Wat een super rit te paard, zeker voor herhaling vatbaar. Mijn dochter vond het trouwens erg leuk dat ze de paarden ook mocht verzorgen
Heerlijke buitenrit gemaakt. Vooral het zelf zadelen en verzorgen van de paarden maakt dat het een middag vullend programma is. Brandsport was zeer flexibel maakte niet uit of we er 1 of 6 uur over deden. En was ook prima georganiseerd.
Brandsport was zeer flexibel maakte niet uit of we er 1 of 6 uur over deden. En was ook prima georganiseerd.
In naam van alle sportieve Vanoverbeeckskes wil ik jullie toch nog eens extra bedanken voor de super-service en het vriendelijke onthaal. Bedankt om zonder morren nog een paar boten te wisselen, kapotte fietsen te ruilen tijdens de middag, en het ter beschikking stellen van een droge picknickruimte. Er zijn er veel die aan jullie een voorbeeld mogen nemen.